I will be updating soon about my camp, which was awesome btw, because I achieved many things and there were nice people a.k.a cute guys there.
But I'm dead lazy, like I rolled around my bed from 10am to 4pm today, so feeling really sick, and my stomach is in chaos. SIGH!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Posted by LYL at 6:11 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Cycling at Pulau Ubin
Once upon a time... in the time and year where iphone had an ice cream game and fat people were revered highly upon....
THERE WERE FOUR GOOD FRIENDS....There was to be an outing, a small one though, because in this friggin' land, there were horrible stuff such as WORK and INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT.
So out of 17, only 4 were thus able to make it. So then came the plan on what to do?
They have been to shopping, movie, drinking, pubbing, hanging out late sitting on grass patches, and singing to the moon and chalets. So what else could they do?
They decided to go UBIN to CYCLE!
But these 4 friends had one thing in mind, and that was to find the beautiful quarry that they have heard but not seen. So they set off on their $8 bikes (sigh.... ) and paddled off to the forest.They couldn't find a wild boar, neither did they see an elephant, and most conversation was restricted to
It was a girl name Wan Ling and a another awesomewonderfulgreat HAHAH girl, name LYL who lead the way.
They didn't take the path that was meant to be trodden on, but instead, took the path that was earthly, dangerous, and leads to gawd knows where.
So they set off into the mysterious forest, and soon, chance upon the wonderful sea! But it wasn't what they were finding for, so they paddled on.And reached a place called Chek Jawa Wetlands! Where they saw this amazing tower, and decided to climb it!
They reached the top and documented their achievements. All the weariness was seen in their face, but as they turned, they saw AN EAGLE SOARING!
(that was so freaking far my camera just caught it as a dot, go to my album navigation at the side to see)
After much rest, sun was sleepy, and thus ready to rest, while the bicycle ladies expected them to return their mounts in an hours time.
In a frenzy from being lost in time, they still strolled slowly to their bikes. The Journey was tiring, their legs were aching.
The single road up was horrible. The road was rough, with stones jutting out, really to split open their skulls, and tree branches, creeping up to topple them off!
Some almost fell, some dismounted and pushed the bikes, and some struggled up the steep slopes.
LYL was in the lead, so she pushed her way up the slope! Her muscles (my story so I get to put MUSCLES HAHAH) screamed in protest. She staggered up, barely even able to breathe normally.
Turning to her right, an astonishing sigh greeted her, and for a moment, her heart missed a beat. She couldn't believe what she saw.
In excitement she shouts at Wan Ling to get her @ss, I mean, herself, up here. But something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Sarah and Justin were no where to be found.
Worry lined both their faces as they waited, for some sound. It shouldn't take this long for them to appear. "Any time now..." LYL thought.
In a panic, she shouted to Wan Ling, who had froze at the bottom slope. Both waited, and considered paddling back to see if an accident has occurred.
But suddenly, BOTH APPEARED! safe and sound! LYL had her fears diminish, and now, only excitement flooded her back. She beckoned them to hurry, grinning from ear to ear!
When 3 of them arrived to where she was standing, they look to the right... and this was what they saw...
However they couldn't linger long, for the bicycle lady was sure to strangle them with chains if they were late. So after a few quiet moments of admiring, they set off back to home base.
Later that night...
And ordered a plate of GONG GONG and SAMBAL SOTONG!! HAHAH!!! Soon they all tucked in and ate everything till nothing is left but the sauce!
With filled stomachs and adventures found, they uninterestingly took a train back, talking all the way about everything under the big bright moon.
PS: serious about the butt crack ok, I think I got 2 already.....
Posted by LYL at 8:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Angel Wine's gig
Which is of course, we proudly introduce, our friend Peter! Who plays bass for Angel Wine. It was a great night out, with great music, and cliche as this might sound, great friends to enjoy it with!It felt refreshing after not seeing them for many many days! So we had pretty much alot of talk about and company to enjoy.The gig was held in the art house, which was new to me!
Heh, not to be bias or what, but some of the bands were literally singing... well... original lyrics which I just could not phantom, because they chose to blast the amplifier above vocal.
A.W's songs were refreshing after a bunch of mixed up blasting, and yes I guess I'm bias because I support A.W's music LOL!
The picture up there does no justice to the band, because there's another guitarist on the other side with the vocalist, but I couldn't get a good shot due to poor lighting =(
BUT BUT I got to see RACHEEEEEEEEELL!! *grabs rachel, twirls her around in a field of daisy sunflowers and drops her off the cliff*
Posted by LYL at 6:58 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Melbourne Sdyney holiday!
Or more like visiting my brother who just settled down in Melbourne two weeks ago to study!We took a freaking 7 hours journey to Melbourne on the AirBus380! Yes, the double Decker plane, but truthfully, it's just like sitting on any normal plane.
The service was good though, and guess what, THEY HAD TWILIGHT AND NEW MOON ON IT. As an in-flight movie. I was like the happiest fat kid in the sky.However most of you would have heard my welcome to Melbourne was a disaster, and a few people who have heard of our arrival, teased us that maybe Melbourne hates us.
1)Hailstorm a few hours after we arrived.
2)Major flooded and the university roof collapse. right after the hail storm.
3)continuous raining for the next 3 days of my stay
4)stopped raining and had fine weather on the day I left for Sydney
5)Before I left Melbourne, fell and sprain my ankle =(This is my brother's view from his college dorm window. The courtyard, jeez it's so Hogwarts FEELING. ARGHHHH!! HAHAHAHAH!
*DORK DORK DORK*My beef noodles, made by real Vietnamese. You see, in Singapore, it is diverse, but most of the time, its Singaporean-Korean, or Singaporean-Vietnamese.
And then there's the restaurant, although it says Thai food or Korean food, you can bet that the chefs are not Thai nor Korean. But when I got to Melbourne, it was quite different here
The Vietnamese really owns the whole cafe, even the waitress and all. The food was just damn awesome. Surprisingly, everyone tells me that Aussie food is horrible, but you know what......... IT IS NOT. BECAUSE IT IS SOOOO DARN AWESOME!! HAHAHAH!!Turkish Delights BABEH! HAHAHAHAHHAH!! I admit, I heard about it in books and was excited to try when I laid my grubby hands on it. Chocolate coated Turkish delights!
After the first packet, the second, third, fourth and fifth went through in a breeze. I count myself highly addicted.Maple trees by the road side! But I was hoping to visit Canada to see nicer ones. Had to repress the urge to lick the bark and see if it has maple syrup though.
I am a fan of maple syrup, and I think pancakes are just over rated without them =)We met brother up for dinner the next day, and he brought as to LAYGON STREET for WESTERN FOOD!!
I love Melbourne, the food portions are HUGE! I hate sharing, but I just had to because it really was too large for me. Bro ordered the Aussie pizza, and I don't know what they put in it, but yea, I think you can see the picture in my photo album! hahah!
We passed by a candy store along the way and I bought some Humbugs! Like big huge sweets. Didn't take a picture, but I'm still finding a jar for my Humbugs T.T Around the 4th day of the visit, we went to tour around Melbourne, free and easy. You know, just take a tram and ride around the city.
Yes, tram, like a train on roads. The best part was that if you forgot to bring your cash, you could just hope it to one of the tram doors and hitch a free ride back home. BUT, if you get caught, that's 500AUS for you!Queen Victoria Market, where the shops are still really old school and stuff, but really nice! The best part was that the weather was cold, okay maybe not uncomfortable cold, but air-conditioned temp of 23 degrees.
No sweaty yucky body even after walking for an hour! WOO HOO! Plus the market smells nice, not fishy and smelly at all!We visited one of the parks of Melbourne, and combined with the lovely weather and the season of Autumn, this is one amazing park.
The air was so fresh, I could just take a breathe in and maaaan, I'm like freed from all the black tar in my lungs. Black tar, uh, comes from exhaust right?
Ah heck LOL!They call this the fairy tree, and the way the sun touches the leaves are amazing. The best part was that it was in the middle of nowhere.
WELCOME TO SYDNEYOkay I'm lying on my stomach right now typing this I can just feel the blood clogging into my brains, so I can't type anything really good, but just descriptions!
Well, I'm not going to post up all the pictures I took, but they can be viewed in the album at your left, on the navigation bar.
LEFT HAND YOU DOO DOO!Spastic face but not so spastic TORTILLA. Yea it feels like the first time you fall in love, that excited, feeling, that you are eating something so wonderful and yet you know it will never really coagulate into your fats.
I heart Tortilla, and my poor heart is breaking just thinking of eating the fried oily ones by CFK. Hope they don't sue....HAH! DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK I WOULD LET YOU OFF WITHOUT SHOWING YOU THIS?!! MUAHAHAHHAHAH!!
I know, so cliche, but still *stands proudly*, I'll tell you a great ole truth ok?
Yes I was sadly on the ferry going to the zoo, so I passed by this and decided to take a snap of Sydney's lovely Opera house.The zoo could only be access through a ferry from the harbour, because it was on an island. Lucky zoo. I looked like something from JURASSIC PARK, and I wouldn't be surprise if a T-REX popped out to bite my ass =(
Gawd, I would kill humans literally if they put me in an enclosure without such a view. The animals were definitely living in a great home.
And the day before me and Mum arrived in Sydney, a baby elephant was born!!! And why was it so talked about?
Because apparently it was dying, and even the elephants mom gave up on it. But it survived, which is a miracle, it was stillborn after all.
But WOO HOOO!! I didn't get to see it, but oh well.Have you watched Happy feet before? Do you know that big evil looking leopard seal? Yea, he looks exactly like this guy. This seal was as big as me, and I was willing to bet, that if I fell in, he would rip my small intestines out.
But I might be wrong, right? HUR, get it? Wrong, RIGHT?
Definitely not those tame sea lions you see in Sea World.I have one picture in the album that I didn't post up. It was the same lioness in this picture, but she was licking her lips.
I never felt anymore than a Pork bun in front of her.HEHEHEHE YANG MEH MEH. Just so reminded of that nickname of our Chinese teacher. WHAT?!! It's not exactly UNKNOWN that I'm not a fan of CHINESE.
the pictures says in all!
The night before our departure from Sydney, mum and I decided to get in over ours heads and order a large portion of sea food.
It's called, seafood platter for 2. HAHAH I know very unimaginative.
Well lemme tell you something, it wasn't a seafood patter for freaking 2, It was SEAFOOD PLATTER FOR 4 OKAY.
If you are wondering why my face has a more define shape, which CRUDE people would describe as FAT. You can blame it on this night LOLOh gawd, my dear prawns I could just suck you dry. Your fresh is sooo sweet and delicious and just looking at it is making me lick my screen...
Which would cause me excessive diarrhea the next day so nvm.The last time I ate lobster was during a wedding. But I didn't really eat lobster, because the most I could taste were the freaking fruits.
So when confronted with a whole lobster to myself, the moment my mouth touched such awesome-ness, my soul lifted, and that was when LYL.....
Drifted away to heaven.
PS:I miss you guys so much during my 10 days trip and sorry I didn't post the postcards hahah!!!
Posted by LYL at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Ice creamery
I'll eat you in the morning, afternoon, night and midnight! woo HOO! Look at their HAPPY faces! hahahha!! And yes, we went for dinner and ice cream right before I left for Australia. Feels like some tradition for me, like before I left for Cambodia we had ice cream too LOL!
Anyway I didn't take any pictures while we ate dinner, my EXCUSE is that the food was so awesome I didn't realise it to till the end ARGH! Btw it's at Buger shack, coronation, near Adam's road food market.A spongebob doodle I found on the table of Foodcourt 5 when I met the kids for basketball in the morning.
I know, I told everyone I literally met in that week. Plus I went to play Bball after that you know YOU KNOW?! HAhahA! I am AWESOME.
But I had to rest for a few days because of a headache.
Cya around guys!
Posted by LYL at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
It is time to revive this blog
.... and because I am too darn lazy to go redo my website. Hey, I have like 80 more years to live man, not going to waste my time re-doing a website.
So, I'm going to sleep now haahaha. Jet lag, or whatever they call it, because it's 11pm here in SG, but in Aussie, it's like 2am LOL! Yea, so I'm damn tired.
Yes people, I have the pictures, but you have to wait, and I promise you I will get them up and running by this week, before I leave for camp.
*Shudders* LYL going for camp, wow.
Alright, check back for more updates!
Posted by LYL at 9:25 AM 0 comments