HI CHER.... I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! *SCREAMS*My school has CHANGED. They did some renovations that some teachers didn't approve of, but OH WELL!
The best part was when I saw my Junior Keith.
Me:"HI KEITH!!!!! *flash my big white smile*
Keith:"UUUUUWWAAAAHHHHH!!! *runs away*"
Okay fine, I admit, I tormented him for his sec 1-3 life, and when he thought O's finally got rid of me, I came back again to torment him for the 2nd time.
Well SORRY! I didn't know that I caused so much mental scarring in his secondary school life. Heh heh heh heh.... can't wait to go back soon. This time I'll be sure to give him a big huggy.The basketball court where I spent most of my time getting tortured in TAF club. Like they always say, Spell TAF backwards, it becomes
This dessert store at Heren basement is awesome to the max. It's next to shokudo, you should go try it.
Anyway, Me and Bernice met out to catch "Final Destination". It's about people cheating death and death finally whooping their asses at the end.
BUT, this is different because... ITS IN 3D. Yes. My feedback? Well, 3D for such a movie is just plain awesome. Word of advice, don't wear your specs. It's dead uncomfortable.
Dorky glasses hahahha!
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