Sunday, October 11, 2009

opening of school



The only times I'm actually early for my class is during the First Days of school. So today morning I woke up extra early to bath, comb my hair and drag my ex-boyfriend's dead body into the store room.

Upon reaching to class, I met the people who would be with me for 6 months. Inside I wanted to vomit, because the class register says 19 people, and I don't like 19, I like 20.

I was also very sad because I had come to love the name 1A02, but now its 1B02.

A stands for AWESOME
B stands for BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD

Being Poly students, we are more adapt to staying indoors in air-con rooms. Thus when we had a 2hour break, we had to travel in skin burning heat. The weather can be so bitchy.

First day was alright, I was pretty nervous. Because I had tormented some of them from the comfort of my own home and behind my computer screen.

So when I met them at a personal level, I went through many tough loving and my large intestines almost shifted thanks to Rachel.

With that, I wish you a nice Semester ahead, and good food from your food court.