Saturday, March 21, 2009

hamster bedding

Thunder, Rain and Storms.

Best weather combi to EMO.

A few days ago my mum came into my room and said:"You better wash the Hamsters cages before you leave for Genting, its very smelly".

But, I had a Sentosa outing the next day and another outing the day after, and my cousin is coming the day after the next next day. So yea, I told her the best assuring answer in the world, "ERRR.........."

And she gave me this really scary look like, "you wash it now, or I'm gonna report you to SPCA"

Don't get me wrong. I do love my Hamsters and take good care of them okay! It's just that I've been kinda busy ha..h..aha.. *nervous laugh*. Whats more, the bedding ran out and I have to go buy it, crap...

If only those dustballs understand the word RECESSION, maybe they'll sympathise with their currently bankrupt owner. Siggghhh....

So anyway, I decided to buy the bedding today (saturday) and clean their cages on Sunday (tomorrow). And it was raining sooo heavily.The pictures taken were just after the rain.

Those smug dustballs, happily sleeping away while I have to brave the rain to get their bedding. There was thunder and lightning la.

I just kept thinking of what my brother said. Something about fat people having a higher chance of getting striked by lightning.

Bet its fake la, as if the lightning can tell if you're fat or not. I wore my slippers anyway. Rubber right??? so won't get strike... I think.

My brother = Andrew yeo, Bryan tan and kun's fat insults all mix together.

And there's those happy dry people at coffee bean and nearby cafe's sipping their hot breverage. Hope they choke on it HAHAHHAHA. Fine... I'll leave innocent people alone. =(

All in all, got the bedding for those dustballs! Maybe when I get to poly and become broke I'll feed them BREAD!!! ok..ok I was just joking...

Cousin coming anytime soon. I'll take my leave.