Thursday, March 19, 2009

Its all starting to come down on me..

I think I over organized on outings and stuff. So tired at the moment and still lots to do

1)Wash the 4 hamster cages for 7 hamsters and clean those lil' guys up! (3 hrs if I work non-stop)
2)wash the filters of fish tank and fish pond
3)change water for fish tank (1 day. Clear dead leaves, clean algae, fix the filter.)
4)read e-mails from grandfather
5)clean up room
6)sort out poly documents (giro, CPF ba bla)

Got to do all these before I go Genting. Because after Genting I've got FOC camp and 1 day after FOC camp I'm flying off to Sabah for the 2nd time. Come back fromsabah 2 days later and school starts.

*depress* So.. won't be on MSN for a few days.