Tuesday, May 5, 2009

mrt and bus


I take my FREAKIN' words back!! I don't want a thunderstorm! SIGH.... its been raining 2 mornings straight *its 3am and there's a thunderstorm*, which hinders me from walking to school!!

This leaves me no option than to take a bus to Buona Vista then to Dover, BUT BV IS SOOOO BUUURRLAAARDDY CROWDED!!

This morning due to the rain I was late for class, plus there was this idiotic woman, whom I don't understand why she cannot take a 50cm step to the side, must instead ram into me with her Huge-ass bag.

What. The. Heck?

And there's the ticketing Aunty, whom I asked if she could top-up my card with 5 bucks since I only brought 10bucks to school and the ATM in SP was out of cash. She said "YARR..."

And she topped 10bucks up for me. What. The. Hell?

Seriously respect those kiddos that go school during peak hours by train.